Tag: Writing

Name Tags : Team Tui

This Term Team Tui Created name tags! We decorated our name tags with different colors and patterns or even with things we like. I decorated the background with different colored stripes and made the N in my name look like one of my favourite games called Minecraft. Then I made the [C] in my name look like a chess board because I really enjoy chess. For my the [E] in my name I added the city I live close to  and also added a pokemon ball because it is one of my favourite anime. The [L] and the [A] In my name has stick man figures because I like animating stick figures.

Team – Tui writing

Voices ricocheted off the heavy cement walls, covered in sad dim light produced by the nearly dead light bulb. Sam counted the muffled explosions above the bunker. Majority of the group pondered around aimlessly like riptides in an ocean. Insanity creeped up like lions stalking its prey while the track of time ran wild. They could only hide from the rapid and destructive chaos that thundered and across the city. The loud and murderous intent of the enemy was shown fiercely. Concerned and anxious about their family, everyone worried severely



For our writing session we are practising on our vocabulary! We chose an area to learn in and that will be our main focus for this week. Right now we’re learning to create a visual image using words without telling the view directly what the situation is. Try guess mine!


My holiday

In my spectacular and wonderful holiday, my family went to an arcade called “Extreme”.  Seems to be Extremely (GET IT) popular. After we went to the arcade we went to hoyts, (A entertainment company that showcases movies) to watch “The rise of Gru” with the main antagonist Gru. Now back to the arcade, my dad loaded one hundred dollars and there’s a bonus where you get an additional one hundred arcade points! After playing a bit I went back home. Then “Lance, wake up!” of course woke me up. I went downstairs to see a new couch! And after that I no longer had to fight over spots on the couch.

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