Tag: Shapes

Learning To Creating Circles Using A Compass : Maths / Symmetry

Today’s math for Team – Tui was about creating Circles using a Compass. (This Compass is not a directional Compass that shows you co – ordinates or [West , South , North , East], this Compass is used for creating near / perfect circles.) In our books we created and defined the meaning, and shape of a circle. Here are some photos I took of  the work I did in my math book!


The writing explains what I think a circle is : “A circle is a Two Dimensional round shape with no edges or corners. ”


WALT : Use a Compass to create circles


(Straight full line between circles ) : The line = Diameter / length

(Half line between circle ) : The line = Radius / half of Diameters / Half of diameters length

(Colored grey area)  : = Fraction / Sector / Section

(The Circle / The circles outline) = Circumference / the circles outline