Tag: T-ball

My Experience At Kelly Sports

Today Room 6 and Room 5 had a rematch at Kelly sports. I had a lot of fun and had a tremendous experience.  Many people hit the ball marvellously far and I only hit a decent distance, but It was enough to get ME to first base. There was also one thing that was very knowledgeable to me tho, It was the fact everyone was very cheerful and was encouraging their teammates. And also once again Room 6 had less people so a majority had a second turn at batting. The two classes were extremely skilled and were excellent at batting, running or both.  Both classes had some tough tension and aggressive play. (Not literally)

T-ball with Room 5 & Room 6

Today Room 5 and Room 6 had a T-ball competition! We had Kelly sports and we had to verse Room 5. We were technically at a disadvantage due to Room 5 having a bigger majority of students.  First round Room 5 was batting and Room 6  was fielding. Room five didn’t really have that much heavy hitters but they were able to get everyone at least to first base. They scored 8 points or 8 home-bases. Round two, Room 6 was batting this time and we put our strongest hitters in beneficial places allowing everyone to run further.  I was able to score a point and same with 12 other players. Meaning we won by 5 points and in total 13 Home-bases. Not trying to be to cocky but if we versed Room 5 again we would probably destroy them, AGAIN.