Tag: Maths

Team Tui Maths : Probability

Today Team – Tui did maths in the hall! It was extremely fun. We started of by playing a game named Blocko! The point of the game was to move all the blocks given of a piece of paper. How to play :

There will be 11 columns ranging from 2 – 12, than you’ll need to dice and 11 blocks. Arrange the blocks however you want, you can put multiple in a column or leave some columns blank. Once the dice are rolled, whatever number was rolled is the column you would subtract a block from. Whoever lost all blocks won a lolly!


Next there were 3 games. Greedy Pig, Cards and bottle flip. Basically we kept count on how many successful attempts. Greedy pig : Roll a dice and add all numbers until you get up to 50 or more (Repeat rolling the dice until you get to 50+. All numbers can be added but if 1 is rolled restart your progress.)


Cards : You’ll be given’ objectives. Complete them and move onto the next until you finish.

Bottle Flip : You get ten tries record the bottle flips that land on the bottom with the cap facing up / bottle facing / standing up. Tick how many you can land and how many you failed.

My IXL work!

For my IXL I’ve been learning about data, but for this specific IXL it was mean, median, mode and range. While doing the IXL I found it a bit difficult to understand what mean, median and range mean so I got a few incorrect but after looking at how I should answer the questions I realised how to do it! For mean, you add all the numbers together and divide from the numbers there for example. :

5 4 5 5 7 5 3                  ///           add those numbers together and divide by how many digits are there so

5+4+5+5+7+5+3 = 28 , Now divide by how many digits are there so : 7 now 28 divided by 7 = 4 and that’s the answer.

But that’s just one example, here’s the example for Range and Mode


Mode is the second easiest and range being the first easiest Ill show you why : Mode means the most consistent or frequent / common number that shows. Here’s a math example :


2  2  1  2  4  5   7  4  7  2                      ///          The mode here for this example would be  2 since its the most                                                                                                                   frequent one and shows up the most


Range : Range is the easiest one because it’s very simple all you need to do is find the highest number and subtract that number by the lowest number.   Here’s an example :


9 3 4 5 4 2 4 5 6          ///       The range for this example would be 9 – 2 because 9 is the highest number and 2 being the lowest. Now after subtracting you’ll get your answer which would be 9 – 2 = 7, so the range is 7!



Median : Median is quite easy all you have to do is sort all the numbers from lowest to highest and the number in the middle is the Median here’s an example :


7 5 5 6 4 6 4 2 1 3 8 9                    ///         After ordering them from lowest to highest here’s what it should look like :

1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 , The Median would be  5. This one isn’t the hardest but its ranked 3rd difficulty just above mean as median is quite tedious. In case of Two numbers being in the middle, add them together and than divide by 2. There will be your answer.



Learning To Creating Circles Using A Compass : Maths / Symmetry

Today’s math for Team – Tui was about creating Circles using a Compass. (This Compass is not a directional Compass that shows you co – ordinates or [West , South , North , East], this Compass is used for creating near / perfect circles.) In our books we created and defined the meaning, and shape of a circle. Here are some photos I took of  the work I did in my math book!


The writing explains what I think a circle is : “A circle is a Two Dimensional round shape with no edges or corners. ”


WALT : Use a Compass to create circles


(Straight full line between circles ) : The line = Diameter / length

(Half line between circle ) : The line = Radius / half of Diameters / Half of diameters length

(Colored grey area)  : = Fraction / Sector / Section

(The Circle / The circles outline) = Circumference / the circles outline


Coordinates . Maths Week One , Term Three : Cartesian Plane . X – Y

This Week Friday 21st 2023 Team – Tui learned how to use the Cartesian – Plane X – Y   :  Axis!

We also reflected on the X – Y Axis . I also learnt that the Cartesian – Plane was Coordinates .

This was a really fun and interesting Task where we were given names of people. We would have to find the coordinates based on the information given to us! Then we reflected on these coordinates!


This was really cool and fascinating.

Maths: Multiplying Fractions

This week the class (Room six) has been learning about multiplying fractions. I’ve learnt the method to accumulate the total result (What it equals). It’s been a bit difficult but I can fluently do it with minor mistakes if given time. I have challenged myself to fully comprehend it and learn the basics (Mastered the basics) so I can use it for the future. Fortunately I have actually learnt how it works just struggle to do more advanced questions.  Personally I think if I dedicated three days I could fully understand it. (Multiplying Fractions)