What are scripts / Play scripts / Team – Tui scripts learning

Team – Tui are currently learning about “Scripts / Playscripts!” (We are learning about scripts for week 4 – 6) What are scripts? A script or scripts are a guide to tell people actions they must perform. For example many actors have a script to tell them what to say and do. Scripts are essential to make sure actors can learn about the story and synchronize with other actors to perform well.

One of the reason why we’re learning about scripts is for the film festival / Hoyt’s Event. Right now we are trying to build our knowledge and understand about scripts so we can create amazing movies!

We learned about some of the features of a script such as : Characters, settings and expressions. I think the next few weeks will be real fun!

2 thoughts on “What are scripts / Play scripts / Team – Tui scripts learning

  1. Hi my name is Piripi and i like then Nice work you did lance i really like the writing you did and it is amazing to see what you wrote about

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