What Is Probability?
- Author By gtslancet
- Publication date August 22, 2024
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- Tags: 2024, Blogger, Math, Probability
- No Comments on What Is Probability?
This Week the years 8’s applying / enrolling / enrolled for Tamaki College went down to the Tamaki Recreation centre to see the careers Expo. There we found a Biology stand, Mathematics stand, Physics stand / Science stand, PE stand, Social studies stand, digital and a Business stand. For most of the stands we were asked questions which in return (if we got it right) we’d be given lollies, food and candies.
There was Otai, cookies, pork and much more yummy food.
(Intermediate students were allowed unlimited sausage sizzles for free)
On Wednesday Team Tui learned about Puberty! What changes during puberty, how to be more comfortable with puberty, how to prepare yourself for puberty / during puberty and many more. It was pretty interesting and I found the lesson very useful.
This Term Glen Taylor was visited by a few members from duffy! They performed a funny story about how Duffy and his sister Scruffy. Their cousin who is a famous rugby player had her Breckie Bite cards stats wrong. This greatly affected how she thought and played. So Duffy and Scruffy went on to find the culprit! They went around interrogating suspects. Although it was to no Avail. They then went to the Breckie Bites factory itself. After they pulled a few tricks out of their sleeve they found the culprit. It was a mouse! They caught the mouse and their cousin learned to not care about other peoples opinion because her family and friend will always love her.
For Mitey room 12 choose a random buddy to compare their differences and similarities. I paired up with Jay! We had a few minutes to think about it. We went first in the class. For the similarity between me and Jay that we both went to the same school. For the difference between me and Jay I said that he had curlier hair and my hair was straighter. In my opinion it was pretty fun hearing everybody say the similarities and differences they had with other people.
For the first week of term 3 we have launched our own official Olympics! On week 1 monday we’ve spun a wheel to decide our countries! My class got Canada! So we created many Canada related things. We also researched. The official launch was also on the student leaders assembly. It was very funny, interesting and cool seeing everyones learning and creations