Month: March 2024

Mitey : Knot’s & Crosses

Today room six played a game based of Mitey’s website. The game was Knots & Crosses or Tic Tac Toe. Although unlike the usual rules of drawing and playing the game on a piece of paper or whiteboard, we used ourselves to represent the knots and crosses.  We placed 9 chairs in 3 x 3.  We had one team the knots, and one team the crosses then one person the ref and another the whistleblower. Both sides rock, paper, scissored to see who would go first.

Whatever side one would e the first to sit on a chair when the whistle blew. Both sides took turns  trying to get a row or column in a 3 of a line. First to get 3 people in a line either horizontally or vertically. My team was called “The Flips” and the other team was named “The kings” My team won 3 – 1.

Rules : One team must have a distinctive feature of their team to tell the difference and to avoid confusion (optional). Going to sit on a chair or sitting on a chair before the whistle is blown misses to your team’s turn.  Taking too long to sit down misses your team’s turn.

To be honest we destroyed the other team.  On their behalf we were just better. 😎

Wanted Poster : Cyber Smart

Today we created wanted posters for Cyber – Smart! The wanted posters could be about anything. People, Garage sale, Pets, Jobs, Protests Events, Fundraising and many more. I made a wanted poster about a good and funny friend wanted for his funny charisma. His first name is Pootin and second name is Donald Grump.